Schedule Your Test Kit Pickup

Once you have carefully collected your sample according to the test kit instructions, choose one of our easy options to schedule a pick-up of your Lead Test Kit.

Submit an online request:

You will not receive a return text, call or email. If you have any questions or concerns, please call our Lead Hotline at 513-651-LEAD (5323) between the hours of 7:30 AM – 5:30 PM Monday – Friday (excluding holidays)

Your Lead Test Kit will be picked up within 7 business days of the request. The test results will be mailed to you in approximately 21 business days upon completion.


    Text or leave a voice message at 513-490-5786* with your address and leave the sample(s) on your front porch

    *GCWW will not charge any fees for this service. The Standard data fees & text message rates may apply based on your plan with your mobile phone carrier.